Saying goodbye to our new Polish friends was hard. We all hoped it wouldn’t be too long before we could get back here to see them again but, thankfully, with Facebook, we can see them and continue to communicate. Many have connected with us through that already and that has been very nice. We had a final breakfast on the last day of the marriage retreat and this time we did it mostly Polish style, which was quite interesting for us. A typical Polish breakfast is more similar to an American lunch. They eat a slice of bread with butter with lots of variety of cold cuts and salamis, cheeses, lots of cucumbers, and tomato slices. Some make an open face sandwich and some just eat it all separately but, these things, plus pickles and dill, are favorites in the cuisine here. A couple of people laughed when they walked out and saw it and said, “Oh, now you do Polish breakfast!” They really enjoyed it and it was nice to experience a different aspect of their culture with them. We also served yogurt parfaits with berries (Which are not a common fruit eaten here). Many people told us how much they enjoyed our American dishes even though it was maybe not all their favorite! I personally came to love, somewhat reluctantly, a common dish they serve everywhere here-fish soup! It is filled with cabbage and carrots and is somewhat sour with tender flaky pieces of fish in it. I would love one more before we leave Poland!

After the retreat ended and the couples all said their goodbyes, we cleaned up the two buildings where it took place and got it all back in order. We packed up a lot of the extra food to send home with them and to use at the church potluck the next day. We got some much needed rest after all of that and enjoyed a team lunch at a local restaurant on the lake. That evening was very special as well as we hosted two Polish teenagers from the church here and played games, had dinner, and talked with them. They enjoyed the games but seemed to enjoy the relational time and conversation the most. They were both very kind, very genuine teenage boys who were so grateful for the time we had with them and they had good theological conversations with Nathan and the other guys.

We came to love the missionaries who live here over the last several days. Chuck and Vikki Franks. They are clearly using their gifts and talents to serve faithfully here and it is such a blessing to have seen it first-hand. They have had people donate generously which enables them to put on this type of conference for married couples keeping the expense down for the couples so they are able to manage to come. They have done family camps, as well. I was so encouraged and impressed by their resolve and their dedication even when it is not always easy. They integrate themselves into the community here and are open to everyone they come in contact with as if they are already their dear friends. We all love them dearly and leaving Poland meant leaving them. We didn’t want to leave them but will continue to thank God for their faithfulness and will pray for them regularly.

Thank you for reading and praying with us. It is such a blessing to each of us to have been able to experience this time and we know the fruit will be long lasting.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!


Jancy (for the Poland team)